2025 Blue Bucket Stampede
All Birds must be banded with 2025 seamless band recognized by a National Organization (ie., AU, IF, CU, ...etc).
Birds accepted Feb 16th thru May 4th
Perch Fees $120 / Bird non refundable and must accompany bird shipment. Only advance payment will guarantee perch reservation until loft is full. 760 birds
Although all birds will be vaccinated for PMV & Paratyphoid on arrival it is recommended that breeders vaccinate their birds 2 weeks prior to being sent. All birds will be treated for Canker, internal and external parasites, and chipped before entering the loft.
All birds are on 24 hour lights until May 5th. 9th and 10th flights will be pulled.
Entry Fees A Race $300/Bird mandatory due after 120 mile toss All birds must be activated by breeder.
Total A Race entry refunded if bird fails to go to 200 mile race.
If the entry fee is not paid for prior to the boxing of the 200 mi race, the birds may be activated by others on a first come basis, who in turn, gain full ownership and winnings of the bird.
A Race Prize/ Contest Distribution
3% 250 mi, 8% 2 Bird Average Speed, 13% 300 mi, 28% Average Speed, & 40% 350mi.
A Race- Prizes/Paid positions - distributed to
8% of paid entries at 300 & 350miles
3% of paid entries for 250miles
4% of paid entry Average Speed & 2 Bird Average Speed
2- bird average speed contest--Is the average speed of your first two birds clocked (or wing time of your first two birds clocked) in each race, the 160, 200, 250, 300, 150, & 350. This will create your team score. A team will be the first 6 birds as I remove them from the shipping box as you send them. Teams may be adjusted prior to the start of road training June 20th. ( ie 7 birds split into two teams, team lineup changes between your teams etc) This contest is included in the A race entry fee.
Races** - Aug 28th 150miles, Sep 4th 200miles, Sep 11th 250miles,
Sep 18th 300miles, Sep 25th 150miles, Oct. 2nd 350miles. All six included in A races Average Speed
Optional B Race category $100/Bird
and Optional C Race category $200/Bird
The B & C races are contests(pooling) on the 350mi Final 40/30/20/10 split all clocking order .
B & C entries are due after the 200mi race Sep 4th
Pick bird option $100 one bird/ breeder, paid with entry, winner takes all in 350 mile final.
8% of all entry moneys will be retained for expenses
*1st Drop - A drop of birds, the first seen approaching, arriving, circling, landing, or trapping prior to the arrival of an additional drop of birds entered in a particular race. If a drop of birds arrives and mixes with the 1st Drop at any time, only those previously trapped or distinctively recognized on the landing board, and clock prior to the mixed group clocking will retain the Elite 1st Drop Status where prizes are distributed =1st. All others will be paid in clocking order. Should no birds clock prior to the mixing of new drops of birds, again, payout will be by clocking order.
*1st Drops- The 1st clocking time gets the first $400. Then the remaining capital prize is split equally between those on the drop for the 300, & 350 mile races. After first drop all others will be paid clocking order.
*If birds are missed in the first drop by the clocking system they will be hand entered using the time of the last bird on the drop.
Owners pay return shipping cost rounded up to the nearest $5 increment
Unclaimed birds become property of Blue Bucket Stampede 10 days after final race.
*Track inventories, training, and results live on the web at
*Tauris Clocking System and for live Results
*No Rueter Family Loft birds entered in race
**Race dates are subject to weather
W-9 required of those breeders winning more than $600
2025 Blue Bucket Stampede
All Birds must be banded with 2025 seamless band recognized by a National Organization (ie., AU, IF, CU, ...etc).
Birds accepted Feb 16th thru May 4th
Perch Fees $120 / Bird non refundable and must accompany bird shipment. Only advance payment will guarantee perch reservation until loft is full. 760 birds
Although all birds will be vaccinated for PMV & Paratyphoid on arrival it is recommended that breeders vaccinate their birds 2 weeks prior to being sent. All birds will be treated for Canker, internal and external parasites, and chipped before entering the loft.
All birds are on 24 hour lights until May 5th. 9th and 10th flights will be pulled.
Entry Fees A Race $300/Bird mandatory due after 120 mile toss All birds must be activated by breeder.
Total A Race entry refunded if bird fails to go to 200 mile race.
If the entry fee is not paid for prior to the boxing of the 200 mi race, the birds may be activated by others on a first come basis, who in turn, gain full ownership and winnings of the bird.
A Race Prize/ Contest Distribution
3% 250 mi, 8% 2 Bird Average Speed, 13% 300 mi, 28% Average Speed, & 40% 350mi.
A Race- Prizes/Paid positions - distributed to
8% of paid entries at 300 & 350miles
3% of paid entries for 250miles
4% of paid entry Average Speed & 2 Bird Average Speed
2- bird average speed contest--Is the average speed of your first two birds clocked (or wing time of your first two birds clocked) in each race, the 160, 200, 250, 300, 150, & 350. This will create your team score. A team will be the first 6 birds as I remove them from the shipping box as you send them. Teams may be adjusted prior to the start of road training June 20th. ( ie 7 birds split into two teams, team lineup changes between your teams etc) This contest is included in the A race entry fee.
Races** - Aug 28th 150miles, Sep 4th 200miles, Sep 11th 250miles,
Sep 18th 300miles, Sep 25th 150miles, Oct. 2nd 350miles. All six included in A races Average Speed
Optional B Race category $100/Bird
and Optional C Race category $200/Bird
The B & C races are contests(pooling) on the 350mi Final 40/30/20/10 split all clocking order .
B & C entries are due after the 200mi race Sep 4th
Pick bird option $100 one bird/ breeder, paid with entry, winner takes all in 350 mile final.
8% of all entry moneys will be retained for expenses
*1st Drop - A drop of birds, the first seen approaching, arriving, circling, landing, or trapping prior to the arrival of an additional drop of birds entered in a particular race. If a drop of birds arrives and mixes with the 1st Drop at any time, only those previously trapped or distinctively recognized on the landing board, and clock prior to the mixed group clocking will retain the Elite 1st Drop Status where prizes are distributed =1st. All others will be paid in clocking order. Should no birds clock prior to the mixing of new drops of birds, again, payout will be by clocking order.
*1st Drops- The 1st clocking time gets the first $400. Then the remaining capital prize is split equally between those on the drop for the 300, & 350 mile races. After first drop all others will be paid clocking order.
*If birds are missed in the first drop by the clocking system they will be hand entered using the time of the last bird on the drop.
Owners pay return shipping cost rounded up to the nearest $5 increment
Unclaimed birds become property of Blue Bucket Stampede 10 days after final race.
*Track inventories, training, and results live on the web at
*Tauris Clocking System and for live Results
*No Rueter Family Loft birds entered in race
**Race dates are subject to weather
W-9 required of those breeders winning more than $600